Tag: Satta King

Satta Matka Gambling – Understanding the Basic Rules and Terminologies

Non-Indians interested in playing the popular traditional numbers guessing game called satta king or satta matka look for walkthroughs that would enable them to participate. The problem however is that there are terminologies used that make the game mechanics seem confusing.

First off, there’s a list of Indian titles that are referred to as markets. Actually, a market in satta gambling refers to the organization that decides on the method of drawing the winning numbers, pools the wagers, and award the prizes to winners. Many of these markets are now running as online gambling platforms that offer satta matka, satta worli and other types of satta game variations.

Each market or organization deploys or authorizes individuals to represent them as bookmaker: As bookmakers, they accept the bets in behalf of the organization, as well as collect the wagers. They announce the lottery resultS, whilst in charge of paying winners from whom they accepted wagers on the winning numbers, as indicated in their records.

Finally, the results are the outcomes of the draws. The first is the Open or the first lottery draw and the Close, which is the second lottery draw.

A Single is the number chosen from a 0 to 9 range, which is traditionally used in Satta Matka lotteries that draw winning numbers from a matka earthen jar or pot.

A jodi includes two-digit numbers as the choices are from a range of numbers between 0 and 99. This is usually used in Satta Worli, which draws winning numbers from a set of playing cards; some others use a casino roulette wheel in determining winning numbers.

There is also the panna that represents three-digit results, which apparently occurs in the more advanced type of satta gambling,

How Players Pick Satta Numbers as Entries

The steps involve choosing any three numbers within the 0 to 09 range, let’s say 3, 5 and 7.

The fourth number will be decided by adding those 3 numbers, which sums to a total of 15. However, you can only use the last digit, which is 5. The entry for the first or the Open draw will then be 3, 5, 75.

Picking the second set of numbers for the Close draw follows the same method described in choosing the first draw entry. Esample: 2, 5. 7 4.

The Final Card for the Satta wager will show the following numbers as entry: (3, 5, 7 x 5) X (2, 5, 7 x 4)

How to Place Wagers In Online Satta Games

Many prefer to place wagers on satta game using their smartphone and the app provided by the satta market. The online option is considered much safer because the only form of legal gambling in India is horse race betting.
